
地址: 上海市浦東新區祝橋浦紅東路86號
電話: 021-58092259
傳真: 021-58092259-808
Standard Code 標準名稱
Standard Name
ASME SA-234 中、高溫用鋼制碳鋼和合金鋼管道配件
Medium and high temperature used carbon and alloy steel pipe fittings  
ASME SA-420 低溫用鍛制碳鋼和合金鋼管配件
Low temperature forged carbon and alloy steel pipe fittings
ASME SA-403 鍛制奧氏體不銹鋼管配件
Forged Durimet pipe fittings
ASME B16.9 工廠制造的鋼制對焊管件
Factory-Made wrought steel pipe fittings
ASME B16.11 承插焊和螺紋鍛鋼管件
Socket-welding and Threaded forged fittings
ASME B16.28 鍛鋼對焊小半徑彎頭和回彎頭  
Wrought steel butt-welding short radius elbows and returns
ISO 5251 不銹鋼對焊管件  
Stainless steel butt-welding fittings
MSS SP-43 鍛制不銹鋼對焊管件
Wrought stainless steel butt-welding fittings
MSS SP-75 鍛鋼制對焊管件  
Forging butt-welding fittings
MSS SP-79 承插焊異徑插入件
Socket-welding reducing Inserts
MSS SP-83 3000磅級的鋼制承插焊和螺紋活接頭
Class 3000 steel socket-welding and threaded unions
MSS SP-95 縮漸管和圓堵頭  
Swaged nipples and round plugs  
MSS SP-97 承插焊、螺紋和對焊端的整體加強式管座
SW 、TH and BW ends for integrally reinforced forged branch outlet
JIS B2311 通用鋼制對焊管件  
Universal steel butt-welding pipe fittings
JIS B2312 鋼制對焊管件  
Steel butt-welding pipe fittings
JIS B2313 鋼板制對焊管件
Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings
JIS B2316 鋼制承插焊管件  
Steel socket-welding pipe fittings
DIN 2605 鋼制對焊管件彎頭和彎管
Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.elbows and bends
DIN 2615 鋼制對焊管件三通
Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.tees
DIN 2616 鋼制對焊管件異徑管  
Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.reducers
DIN 2617 鋼制對焊管件管帽  
Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.caps
GB/T 12459 鋼制對焊無縫管件
Steel butt-welding seamless fittings
GB/T 13401 鋼板制對焊管件
Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings
 GB/T 14383 鍛鋼制承插焊管件
Forged steel socket-welding pipe fittings
GB/T 14626 鍛鋼制螺紋管件
Forged steel threaded pipe fittings
SH 3065 石油化工管式爐急彎彎管技術標準  
Specification for tube fumace sharp bend for petrochemical industry
SH 3406 石油化工鋼制管法蘭
Steel pipe flanges for petrochemical industry
SH 3408 鋼制對焊無縫管件
Steel butt-welding seamless fittings
SH 3409 鋼板制對焊管件
Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings
SH 3410 鍛鋼承插焊管件  
Forged steel socket-welding fittings
HGJ10 (HG/T21634) 鍛鋼承插焊管件
Forged steel socket-welding fittings
HGJ514 (HG/T21635) 碳鋼、低合金鋼無縫管件
Carbon steel、low-alloy steel butt-welding seamless fittings
HGJ528 (HG/T21631) 鋼制有縫對焊管件
Steel plate butt-welding fittings
GD87-1011 火力發電廠汽水管道零件及部件典型設計手冊
Typical design manual of pipe parts for steam power plant
DL/T515 電站彎管  
Bends for power plant
DL/T695 電站鋼制對焊管件
Steel butt-welding fittings for power plant
SY/T0510 鋼制對焊管件  
Steel butt-welding pipe fittings  
SY5257 鋼制彎管
Steel bends
ISO3419 非合金和合金鋼對焊管件  
Non-alloy steel and alloy steel butt-welding fittings
Q/320281AQD01-2000 鋼制對焊高壓帶直段彎頭
Steel butt-welding elbow with a straight pipe section
鋼彎頭        Carbon Steel Elbow
不銹鋼彎頭      Stainless Steel Elbow
高壓彎頭        High-Pressure Elbow             NPT=Normal Pressure and Temperature 常溫常壓, 標準溫度與壓力
90°短半徑彎頭 90°SS Elbow (SR)
90°長半徑彎頭 90°SS Elbow (LR)
高壓厚壁彎頭   Thickness Elbow
Tee Equal      相等的三通                             male plug      插頭  female socket 插座   dust cap  防塵蓋
等徑三通      Straight Tee                                                                     safety cap  安全罩
異徑三通      Reducing Tee
等徑四通      Straight Cross
同心異徑管     Concentric Reducers                    concentric  同中心的  eccentric 不同圓心的
偏心異徑管     Eccentric Reducers
高壓異徑管     High-pressure Reducers
不銹鋼等徑三通 Stainless Straight Tee
碳鋼等徑三通   Carbon Straight Tee
不銹鋼等徑四通 Stainless Straight Cross
高壓三通       High-pressure Tee
鍛制三通       Forged Tee
異徑接頭       Template ????
管帽           Caps
法蘭           flange
valve           閥門
description     類種
Standard       標準
Design         類型
Type            類型
Type Model      型號
Material       材質
classes         種類
specification   規格
沖床punching machine
油壓機hydraulic machine
車床 lathe
刨床planer | plein?|
線切割linear cutting
金屬切削 metal cutting
機床 machine tool
steel                鋼
carbon steel         碳素鋼
rustless steel       不銹鋼
alloy steel          合金鋼
angle steel          角鋼
blister steel        泡鋼
carburizing steel    滲碳鋼
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版權所有:上海上楚高壓管件有限公司   地址:上海浦東新區祝橋浦紅東路86號 郵箱:
電話:021-58092259    傳真:021-58092259-808